



A Concept Map is a way of representing relationships between ideas, images or words in the same way that a sentence diagram represents the grammar of a sentence. In a concept map, each word, phrase, or idea connects to another, and links back to the original idea, word or phrase. Concept maps are a way to develop logical thinking and study skills by revealing connections and helping people see how individual ideas form a larger whole.

A well-made concept map grows within a context frame defined by an explicit "focus question".

For a faster creation of a Concept Map, you can use the Whiteboard Map theme.

To apply this Map Theme, do the following steps:

The reason why we recommend this style, is that the relationships and floating topics have a style predefined for a Flowchart diagrams and Concept Map.

To insert a shape in the map space, double-click in empty map space, to create a floating topic. To change the shape of the topic, do the following steps:

To connect two shapes you can use the Topic menu, like in the figure below. You can put a label to the relationship as well.


To add a label to a relationship, just select the relationship and start directly typing the desired phrase. You can also add a label, by double clicking on the relationship.