



iMindQ® Online enables you to create a custom 3D presentation of the map, by capturing the current positions (rotate and skew transformations of the map and zoom factor) of the map plane and creating a sequence of these “Snapshots”.  This sequence of “Snapshots” can be played by clicking on the Play button. If you are not satisfied with the presentation, you can delete all the “Snapshots” with one click and start all over again.

To take a Snapshot of the current Map View, do the following:  

To insert topic (sub-topic of existing one) i.e. to create parent-child relationship in the map perform the follow procedure:

When you think you are done with what you want to present and your generated sequence, click on the Play  button in the Left toolbar.

If you want to delete the already generated presentation sequence of “Snapshots”, click on the Clear button in the Left toolbar.